Thứ Năm, 12 tháng 12, 2013

Backlink Commando and WP Simple Split Review

The product itself is a plugin that has MASS appeal – Most anyone who uses WordPress can benefit from this plugin.
The front end includes the plugin at 2 different price points (single license -$17 and Unlimited License – $27).
This WordPress plugin is full of features that will let you help clients get the most out of their websites.
The coolest thing about WP Simple Split is that you will be able to use different themes for your customer all within their single WordPress site…
In other words, their blog can be a blog theme and their sales pages can be a sales page theme…
And you can test which different ones are converting best…
At the end of the day they will make more money…And you will make more money.
Don’t you just love WIN / WIN?
Watch a demo of the plugin here: LINK
Be aware – you need to act fast as the “grand opening” pricing won’t last forever…Just saiyn’
Have a great day!

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