Social Viral Wizard Review
OTO 1 :Social Viral Wizard
Social Viral Wizard extraction is all ok – but have you ever wondered HOW you can get super-high conversions and low CPC on ads? Beta testers have used this app to get as much as 3% CTR and 0.07c on outgoing ads. This powerful upgrade allows you to extract IDs of everyone who has interacted with a certain image on a Facebook fan page – so you can not only target the MOST active people…but you can also target them by showing them the specific image they have interacted with.
Perfect for advertisers who want MORE attention and MUCH higher CPC than what any normal image or custom audience serves them!
Downsell 1 is a simpler edition of this app – with limited ID download limit (10,000 IDs) per day.
OTO2: Social Viral Robo-Poster
This is something that has been in the works for a while – and something that most people will jump in on. We have created a social viral robo-poster app which allows you to automatically/semi-automaticaly schedule image posting on your fan pages – by grabbing
Social Viral Wizard and share-worthy images from other fan pages.
The setup is highly intuitive and simply push-button – which allows everything to run hands-off once setup.
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